Wednesday, April 4, 2018

Red, White, and Blue

Tuesday evening, April 3rd.   Been visualizing the approach I'll take to the painting.   I should have some of my drawing pads in a week, some pens and my mechanical pencils.  Figuring out a work surface for my larger tablets will be a problem, Scotts' drawing is on one of those.  Don't know which box the smaller masonite board was in.

Buddy kept staring at the door  to the living room tonight for a long time, with a tense posture and dilated eyes.  Calmed after a while, but animals sometimes see or sense things we can't.
Note to self, there's an image in mind involving a ladybug.  I want to look into painting that.

Mina, I think, will have a white turtleneck sweater.  If jewelry, then something opalescent - Jewelry doesn't feel right for this but if I need something for texture or break up a space then something simple, just has to indicate maybe a pendant on a necklace.   There's no symbolism to the choice of white attire, it just simplifies the color scheme.  It won't literally be white anyway as the image will be evening, I'll just be painting it a lighter blue than the sky.  I want to do a sketch of Mina now I've got her narrowed down.  Not sure when I'll get the box with the crayons in it...I checked a craft store locally and didn't like their crayon boxes, not enough colors.   Plenty of acrylic paints if that's what I go for, though I prefer the drying time of enamels.  Oh, then again, enamels  dried really slow in low temps.  Hmm.

Wondering what Dana's been doing lately.  A few nights after I came here I had a hypnagogic flash of her, just an image of her that was gone the moment I saw her.  She was dressed entirely in bright red.  As personal dream symbolism goes, red has almost never been a color of warning for me but one of positivity: love, passion, intense feeling.  I saw her in red.  I didn't see who she felt that for.  Maybe not for anyone specifically, maybe just for the place her life is right now.

The angel in Dana's painting was high in a patch of blue over a field of bright turbulent red.  It's easy to imagine the red may be her depiction of hell.  In my long-ago  nightclub dream the color symbolism was reversed - the area lit in blue looked icy, cancerous with ropy cobwebs of cigarette smoke.  It was a small area but crowded, every seat at the square tables and booths filled with cold, apathetic people.  I stood at a piano in a section lit in warm red, spacious and full of round  tables yet almost all of them were empty.  The few people who were there were all  welcoming, smiling, caring, sympathetic.   At first Dana was in the blue light.  When I looked again she had stepped into the red, waiting for me to turn and see her there, watching me.   I knew on waking it was 'one of those' but it never came true.

My  favorite colors are  red and purple.  I've heard Dana's may be blue and purple.  That leaves us a space in the  center to meet.


Wednesday late afternoon and it's snowing!  Snow in April, I'm not used to that.  I'm enjoying the show!  Coming down really thick, too, ground is white already.  Jesseca had wanted to start her gardening today.

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