Monday, April 2, 2018

Buddy, Sharon, Ilhan

Sunday, April 1st, and I have foolishly misplaced my camera.  I did a quick (one hour) painting in acrylics, 2.5" x 3.5.  Small but nice, a profile of Sharon Mitchell.  The light is perfect right now to get a decent shot of it, but I can't find my camera for anything.  I fear it fell out of my pocket somewhere...but I'm sure I didn't take it with me  anywhere! Last tine I saw it, best I  can recall, was when I uploaded the last pic.  Can't use this computer, either, it's the one back in Portland that had a camera function.

Nearly 10:30 AM.  20 degrees out and snowing


Ah!  Camera found.  Whew.  I'm studying videos of Siouxsie Sioux, not sure what size or whether to go b&w or color or one of each.  I've a shot of a drummer in a smoky nightclub, reds and blues.   I've downloaded Gimp 2.8 and the current Pepakura viewer.  Printers are cheap enough to get one once I have some money.  I was hoping for a cheap projector to kook up to the computer but I only need it for still images.  What I found were expensive gizmos to project videos with.  Don't need that.  With a little money I can have my art table sent.  That will crowd the room a little but not intolerably.  I do need the work surface.

I have a pose I like for Mina.  It's casual, unstylized, forward stride.  Her arms are at her sides, though i might be able to move one up and forward, bending at the elbow.  I really want her interacting, but even just walking is enough - she's not idle.  Biggest problem is I'd like her gaze to meet the placement of her hand, and I don't think I'm  gonna manage that.  I have a box of pencils and pens coming (ground shipping, so it will be slow) and some tablets.  Still not the crayons or colored pencils yet I don't think, and not my largest tablets.  Don't know if any of my tracing paper is in there.  I'll have to buy the paints and the masonite.  I've begun gathering colored foil  from candies for a variant.  No pose yet for a  dancing version.


Monday.  Had a breakthrough with Buddy yesterday.Buddy's eyes  never dilated with me, which is a good sign, but eyes constricted is hard to read.  Mostly he's been ambivalent, wary, uncertain.  Try this if you're in the same  situation: when the cat is holding your gaze, slowly close and close your eyes once - a slow blink.  I did that once with Buddy yesterday.  He  finally bumped his forehead  against my leg, a sign of acceptance.  He let me rub his neck a little longer, his  were no longer constricted, and he sat a foot away with his back turned and posture and tail realized.  If a cat turns its back to you, that's a show of trust (that you won't  attack and it can take its eyes off you).  Wish I'd known that when I was at Kathy's apartment.  I already knew the basics by instinct - be casual around a cat, they don't like sudden movements or din.  Don't stare, and don't force your attention on them.  Let them come  to you. 

A sketch I'd forgotten,  done the first week I was here.  I'd done a tracing of a photo of Ilhan Omar then lost the photo.  It's online somewhere but I still  didn't have a net connection, so I did a ballpoint pen sketch from the tracing alone as a guide.  The page was already beat up a bit, having been pulled out of the tablet and then replaced.

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