Sunday, January 28, 2018

The Man in the Moon

I found the old man.  (Well, damn, the site won't load the video...)

Diane Schwartz had been in the puppetry department of YMA the year I met her.  Her parents pulled her away from the last day early, but no one told me.  I spent the rest of the day looking for her to tell her I'd fallen in love with her or at least get her contact info, give her mine.  I was still searching even after the flag ceremony, as everyone was leaving, until almost no one left and it was after dark before someone finally let me know.

The next year I switched from art to puppetry in hopes of spending more time with Diane, but she wasn't there.  That year the puppetry department staged Peter and the Wolf.  I made sure I got the part of the old man, specifically because I wanted to do the puppet.   Turned out that I was pretty good as a puppeteer as well, really comfortable performing even in the contorted positions it required, interacting with the other performers.  You don't just hit your marks and wiggle the damn thing if someone is speaking the role, you channel the mood and the character into the puppet.  I got an audible intake of breath out of the audience when the old man intro'd.  Mr. Biggs, Franklin's drama instructor, approached me after the show and suggested that I take up drama when school returned.


My time is running out more swiftly as the date to be moved out approaches.  It's moving much too fast.  My niece has promised many times that I can stay with her until the date of my flight, and now it sounds like she wants to back out.  She can't, I need that space for two weeks.  She's also supposed to be my ride to the airport, though I do have a backup for that.

Still no dreams or dreamlets of Dana as of the 23rd.  Still have clothes and art supplies to pack.  I hope I haven't got too much already boxed, everything is kinda jumbled together - the most important with the less...wondering when to pack off my art table with Kris T., thinking my TV and stereo can go with it.  It'll be a wait but I'd have them.  Mostly I need the TV now for weather reports (when the antenna picks up a signal).  It's nice to watch a movie in the evening but I could read or try something creative instead.  Hard to get enthused over starting anything if I may have to abandon it undone.

I had a sudden worry, and sure enough - I can't find my birth certificate along with the papers mom kept.  They're not all here, like the medical files.  I do have a copy, but not the original.  This is upsetting.  I'll have to ask Karla if it's with the stuff she kept.  I know it was here somewhere.


My room is no longer my room.  It's almost one on the morning, Saturday 27th. My room is empty now to be painted and have a little work done on it, so I;m in mom's room as of tonight.  That's going to feel weird.  Don't know if I'll be able to sleep - oh, right, melatonin, I'd better take some.

Okay, the image that started with the man in the moon has almost come together, I think, and I have a name for the painting.  I want to do it on a large masonite board in crayon and enamel.  Since I only have a small masonite board I may do a test run in only crayon on a large tablet and then do the real thing in N.Y.   At least that way I wouldn't have to worry about packing it.  It won't have the depth of color or the smooth texture I want but may be worth doing as a test run anyway.   I  still don't know the clothes for Dana except she'll be dressed in white but as it is a nighttime setting will be pretty mostly in blue.  Not sure of her skin color, as I want her hair to be bright copper, which doesn't match.  But then, remind myself, no need to be realistic.  The field she stands in won't be.  Not do I have to strive for a strict likeness.  The only problem is the exact color of her hair...I really do not want to look at her FB page (it just makes me feel worse and even more removed from her)  and may have to go from impression.  Lore sent me a bag of chocolates while I had the flu, and I should have kept one of the foils.  They were the exact blue I want the sky.  For that matter I'd love to attempt this image with transparent paints over foil.  Let this serve as a reminder to self, start looking for colors of foil once I reach Oswego.

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