Monday, June 4, 2018

Mina Pose

Poor Bailey.  In human years he's 80, has a bad back, and stomach problems.  He likes me, I've been giving him comfort.  Never had a cat groom my scalp before.

Charlie sat on the couch with me awhile, until today he was terrified of the new person staying here (not McMinnville, Beaverton - must be one of my nieces in McMinnville) and remained out of sight.  Babygirl is under my table as I type, she has chronic nasal problems and allergies,  She's not doing well tonight either.
. Chance was more distant today than yesterday.  

Taken with my other computer, because my camera isn't here.  That's the pose  want for Mina. I haven't checked it against actual photos of Dana, ad I won't  - it means intruding on her FB page.  I'll have to go with the same hair color I used for the image of her eye  and the ladybug, I searched for redheads and chose a few to copy that matched the impression left when I did look in 9 months ago.  Jesus, Dana, 9 months. : (   I'm sure her hair doesn't fall like that but it doesn't matter, she changes it now and then anyway.  I'm likely to have it hang down before her shoulders as sketched just so that there's more of it in the final painting,  Haven't fully decided yet.  I'll do some image searches on long hair.  Undecided on a necklace - I'd want a pendant, and I'd want it to hold some meaning.  Oh, I was thinking of pearls before, wasn't I?  Not because they hold any personal symbolic value but for the color.  Hmm.  Okay, I'll give that some thought.  I'm thinking the moon would be over her right shoulder but it doesn't have to be.

See, that sketch hews close to my usual more realistic style.  No danger of copying Chagall on that count.  OTOH, I still would like to move in a less realistic direction.  It's difficult to break an ingrained thought process.  I can try that in sketches but I'm not yet confident to try it in a finished work.

Click to enlarge that.

Oh, while I was sitting outside on nightwatch duty at the compound (coyotes singing), I was watching the glow surrounding the moon.  It changed size depending how full the sky was around it...but small or wide, it ended in  a dull orange or red circle.  So I'm going to want to do a sketch like that for Mina and the Moon.  It  would echo her hair color without duplicating, and it might tie the elements together better. If it works.  We'll see, but I like the idea.

Oh!  I was watching local news tonight and saw a young police officer by the name of Chris Burley!  Not Kris, as in Kristina, but as in Christopher.  I wonder if it's a coincidence or if he's related to Kris.

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