Sunday, February 11, 2018


February 7th, took some time to watch the next Dracula film I hadn't reviewed yet.  I had watched it back around the time I fell away from doing movie reviews, and I had an angle then that's harder to perceive now as the impression was stronger when it was fresh.  Too bad I hadn't written it up at the time.   1968, British TV adaptation featuring Denholm Elliott.  Pretty decent, too, in spite of its limitations it was quite daring.  Brazen, you could say. 

Reviews take a while to compose.  How long has it been? I'd like to do one or two, and maybe another Kolchak.  Will if I have time.  Still no screencap capacity but I have snapped a few shots from the TV screen, which will be overly contrasty and lose some detail.  (edit: this method sucks.  Will have to find a better way.  I've done the next Hammer film too, now, written the review but need better shots.)

I will definitely hold off on 'Mina and the Moon'.  Once I get to New York I'll get the largest masonite board that will fit Jesseca's car and get some materials.  Maybe enamel, as I like what I was doing there, maybe acrylic instead, but definitely crayons to use under the paint.   I can almost see the image, and some of the clothing.  Casual, warm, long sleeves, maybe a dress and boots (as I recall from scanning her FB page).  I have a horde of enamels and acrylics many of which are still good, but it's too much to pack them.  I'll just have to build up a reserve from scratch again...expensive, but there it is.  I won't be painting the character Mina, just borrowing the name. 

I don't have to lose my paints until the last minute, and I wonder if I can manage a portrait in the days I have left here.  Time is an obstacle.  I would like to do something colorful, otherwise I might as well just do a drawing - and I've got one that needs the attention already.  Three, really, that I want to finish and spray with fixative before they ship.

Dreams have all  Few that are terrible, but none that have held the slightest pleasure or happiness.  I had one in which I was talking to mom.  I suddenly realized with tremendous joy and relief, mom is still alive after all!  And then I woke up.  Fuuuuuuuuuuuuck.  Really could use a good dream.  Something with some human warmth would be welcome, some tenderness.  A moment of love. 

Haven't heard from Jesseca in too long, I hope she's okay. 

Have to see how much money I can afford to spend.  Need more packing tape and I really want to hit Five Guys, but then they have those in New York.  Foodcarts, OTOH...I had noodles with chicken, onions, peppers, carrots, and broccoli in Thai peanut sauce, and it's a local vendor at Cartlandia, a 20 minute nwalk from here and cost less than I'd spend at 5 Guys.  And there's Rimsky Korsakoffee house, still need to go there.  Did DeNicola's with Scott.  I found a great place for used DVDs, wish I'd known about it sooner!  I'd have loved a shopping spree there, they'd have some harder-to-find itles to fill out some of my collections. 

Ugh.  Valentine's Day is in a week.  Excuse my mixing the holidays, but Bah!  Humbug!

Damn.  Watching the news of the snowstorm in New York.  Really wanna hear from Jesseca.  It's been too long.

I had a dream wherein I was watching a movie with really juvenile humor, just lowest-common denominator bathroom humor and maybe some racist jokes.  Someone thought the jokes were mine.  Hafta admit I'm not good at telling jokes, and I'm not big on that type either.  So, ummm, I'll fess up to the worst joke that's all mine:  What would you call a Pharaoh passing gas?  A toot uncommon.
Kill me now.  It's okay.

When I post this, I will also post my new movie review at Sinister Simian. 

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